Sunday 17 October 2010

Day 107 : Chicken Burger


My plan to make homemade burger pates today is foiled. Don't even get me started on the whys. Let's just say, we'll postpone that till next week. Meanwhile, because my mind is so set on having BURGERS tonight, I had to buy some frozen chicken pates from our grocery shop, just to satisfy a craving.  

3 simple steps :-

1. Fry burger pates.
2. Fry onions.
3. Pile Up!

1. Fry the Pates.
No oil is required. No thawing either.
Place the pates on the hot pan.
1 minute later, use a potato masher to sear them.
5 minutes later - flip over. Do the same thing.
Bryan used to work in McDonald's in London,
so the timing is quite accurate. :D
2. Fry Onions
3. Pile Up!

bun with mayonnaise
 chicken burger
cheddar cheese
bun with butter 
(from bottom)

Here's a peek of what's inside. :D
Ooohhh, the burger was Yum-Yum! 
Bryan insisted on taking a photo after every mouthful.
A burger is not a burger until 
You have lotsa ketchup!
Slurppp! Burppp!

We're definitely gonna be doing the 
homemade pates next weekend! :D