Wednesday 15 September 2010

Day 75 ... Kari Kepala Ikan Parang


This evening, we made curry fish. 

Bryan had taken out an ikan parang (head portion) and a ma-yau (fillet) to thaw. Checke the english names for the two fishes and learned that, ikan parang is "wolf-herring" while ma-yau is "threadfin." So, if You want to have a more exotic name for this dish, ahh, a more kuai-low name, well, we could say, we're cooking wolf-herring & threadfin curry this evening. In short, fish head curry la.

The Ingredients.
Bryan bought a packet of instant fish curry paste (brand A1), 
so we decided to just use that.

1. The Curry

Add filtered to the curry paste.

Prepare some tamarind juice.

Add the fish.

2. The Vegetables

Chop the vegetables into bite size.

Add the vegetables.

Allow the brinjals to cook a bit.

Then add the bean curd puff.
This is Bryan's favourite. He loves taufu pok.
Add the tamarind juice, and some seasalt as desired.

3. Garnish
with a bunch of coriander leaves.

That's my plate. Those lil bits of fish that broke was from the ma-yau. 
Not suitable for curry purposes, I guess.
The parang was really good. Flesh was actually quite sweet.
We ate our dinner, with our fingers.

We still had some leftover soup from the night before, so we had noodles again for lunch. My mother had bought us a packet of fish paste, and we added that in. The above is my bowl. :D

Justine's bowl. Notice the chilly-padi and garlic sambal.

Bryan's bowl.
The soup, as always taste even sweeter the day after.
Slurpppp ...

Time of Posting : 12:02 pm (Thursday)