Friday, 11 March 2011



Thursday, March 10

We had some leftovers of the broth that we prepared for dinner the night before. Bryan made a little bit more stock than we needed. So, we're gonna use that to prepare a simple pasta dish this evening.

 1a. Ozonize the Vegetables.

To remove pesticides and unwanted contamination. 

Incidentally, the bubbling of water will also help to dislodge dirt particles from impossible to reach places whilst washing vegetables.

 Ib. Ozonize the Ham. 

Surprisingly, the ham does not produce much 
of the rubbery substance. Only a little as shown above.

 See how fresh and clean the ingredients are 
after ozonizing?

 Prepare the onions, garlic and chilli padi ...

While ozonizing the above ingredients,
prepare the pasta noodles.

 2. Boil the Pasta.
When the pasta is about ready, toss broccoli in and 
blanch for a minute or two. Drain and leave aside.

3. Prepare the Sauce.

Saute onions and garlic in olive oil until fragrant.

Add chopped bird's eye chilly.

Add chopped ham.

Fry Fry Fry.

 Add tomatoes. Add one heaped tablespoon of tomato paste.
Squeeze some lemon juice over.

 Add the leftover broth. 

See DiSH 194 : FiSH PaeLLA

 Toss the spaghetti noodles in and mix well.
Serve immediately.

Bon Appetite! :D

My morning green drink ...

Imagine not bathing for just a day.

That's how the insides feel without 

daily internal cleansing. :D