Thursday 3 June 2010

just once ...

8:08 am @ kindy

just discovered that when we write a msg under the chat box, we only need to do the following:-

i . click on the GO button just ONCE
ii. then click on TAG panel (to reload) ... or any of the other panels.

try it. was complaining to Justine that it was difficult, to send msgs, and she says, it's kindergarden std that one ... :D

have a great day today!

a new beginning ...

this is my first post and i'm so excited...

welcome to your blog. yeah, this is YOUR blog, just as much as it is mine. bloggin' to me is both writing and reading, i feel. without anyone writing, there is no reading; and if no one's reading, there's no energy to write. or rather, no inspiration to write. so please feel free to treat this as YOUR blog, and do drop a line when you visit. i welcome comments and feedback, constructive ones of course, or just plain HI. i hope to be able to blog on a regular basis, because there is nothing i love better than communicating and connecting with people.

until tomorrow then ...

lynn phua