This evening, we are gonna fry rice for dinner. My mother has bought us a packet of sweet meat. We will mince that up and add in the rice, along with tempeh, egg and vegetables. It is a simple dish, yet very tasty, to prepare.
3 Simple Steps:
1. The Egg.
2. The Tempeh.
3. The Rice.
1. The Egg.
Beat 2 eggs and add seasalt and pepper.
Fry an omelette. Break it up before it fully cooks.
2. The Tempeh.
Stir fry the tempeh in sesame seed oil.
Add shoyu, dark sauce, seasalt and mirin.
The tempeh is really yummy and high in protein.
3. The Rice.
Saute shallots in sesame seed oil.
Add the minced sweet meat.
Stir fry until fragrant.
Add carrots, red peppers and chillies.
Fry Fry Fry.
Add leftover white rice.
Add seasalt, pepper and shoyu.
When the rice is ready, toss in a handful of
finely chopped romaine lettuce.
Add the fried egg and tempeh. Mix well and serve.
Absolutely delicious!
BoN aPPeTiTe! :D
This morning, I had my one shake of The Green Drink,
egg noodles for lunch and fried rice for dinner.