Thursday 5 August 2010

Day 36 ... Tom Yum Fried Carrot Noodles


This evening, Justine said she wanted to have noodles for dinner. Bryan took it upon himself to cook dinner. I was uh, taking a nap. I didn't know he was in the kitchen until it was time to eat. I did ask Bryan to Wake Me Up Before He Cooks, Cooks ... but he did not, and I think he did not because secretly, he enjoys preparing the food all by himself. :D He said frying noodles is sap sap suey, no need to have two (amateur) cooks in the kitchen. So here's how he did it in 20 minutes. This time, he timed himself ... since I was in dream land. Zzzzz. Bryan says it's like maggi mi goreng, except add some this and thats.

Step 1 : Prepare
 (i) Saute shallots, garlic and ginger
in sesame seed oil.
Add vegetarian tom yum paste.
Add water. (No salt)

(ii) Boil the carrot noddles until half-cooked.
Drain and leave aside.
(He used 4 portions here.)

Step 2 : Add On
Add carrots, aubergines, 
white and purple cabbage.
Add baby squid.
Stir-fry on low heat to preserve the vegetables.
Add in the carrot noodles. Toss well.

Step 3 : Garnish & Serve
Garnish as below.

The noodles were really yummy! Since we had the chapatti for tea, it's a good thing he did not cook anything heavy. Bryan said he didn't use much oil, in case I was wondering why the noodles were not like, glittering and gleaming and shining. I wasn't wondering at all. I was just in awe of his decor abilities. Says, normally when noodles can glitter, gleam and shine, it's because of the excess oil. So minus excess oil, but still so delicious. :D We sometimes use carrot noddles because they are more springy and firmer in texture, thus have a better appearance when it comes to frying. After reading the little comments I made about the importance of garnishing, see how carefully Bryan executes his work of art. :D Justine reserved a small portion and kept in a container to take to school for break the next day (Friday).

Sweet mangoes for dessert ...


We both had 2 shakers of The Green Drink today, for breakfast and lunch. We didn't have time to take lunch because he had to rush for an appointment at 2pm, and I had to finalise my newsletter at the the Viva office at the same time. We got back, around 4:30pm; Bryan heated up the curry from the night before, and we had that with chappati for tea. :D The left over curry was somehow tastier today. :D

To Sum Up
2 shakers & 2 meals
No juice. Fruits. Water.
(Today, I'm going to make sure I do some juicing. 
All this "no time for juice" is about to become a habit.)