Saturday 17 July 2010

Day 17 ... Rice Soup with Fish & Scallops

Rice Soup with Fish and Scallops

Saturday, July 17, 2010
7pm @ Home

We had quite a bit of rice leftover from the night before. So decided to make porridge for dinner. At about 4pm, prepared the crock pot stuff. Emptied the tupperware of rice onto the pot. Added the required amount of water. Added some carrots and scallops. One cube of no msg chicken stock, seasalt, sesame seed oil and pepper. Closed lid and set on high.

Meanwhile, marinated a fish fillet cut into bite pieces, with seasalt, lemon juice, shoyu and pepper. Let that sit in the fridge till later.

The porridge was ready by 7pm. Added the marinated fish pieces. Let them cook for a brief few minutes. When ready, served myself in a small soup bowl, with a teaspoon of flexseed oil on top, a dash of black pepper and a generous scrape of marmite. Justine too. Bryan was out for an appointment at that time.

Actually, I was going to prepare some sweet fried shallots as well, but while they were frying, the phone rang. One thing led to another, and before I knew it, I smelt a burnt smell coming from the stove. Black onions. Didn't bother to re-do. :(

To Sum Up : I had breakfast (egg, baked beans and 2 slices of freshly baked bread) and dinner. 2 meals and 1 shaker of The Green Drink. No juice today. Plenty of water.

Bryan offered me some chocolates and nougat (gift from a friend) when he got back later. I took 2 bites and I found that I couldn't take them anymore. The sugar taste actually made the back of my throat felt raw and tender. It has been 17 days today since I stopped taking refined sugar. Tony Robbins would be proud. :D