Wednesday 30 June 2010

sombre ...

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Win Soon Fish Head BeeHoon Restaurant
Kuchai Entrepreneur's Park
12 noon

Bryan said I looked a bit sombre while having my bee hoon just now. You think so? Well, he could have called out and said, SMILE or something. Can't expect me to have an upturned mouth at all times, right? Oh well, guess I'm just not a candid shot kind of person. Or perhaps, maybe ... could it be that I was thinking about my self-imposed 10 DAY challenge that starts tomorrow. :( I must say I was too hasty when I said I would start on July 1st. Should have said AUGUST, and not July. Why didn't I say August??? At least if in August, I'd have one month to prepare ...

Prepare what??? a lil voice asks.

Why, to prepare for the challenge la (what else!) The CHALLENGE, which at the time, I had Anthony Robbins as my mentor. HOO-HAH!!! Nope, I haven't forgotten ... The catch phrase during the power-packed seminar.


Man, were we ferocious then. We were so like WARRIORS, we frightened ourselves. Had so much POWER that was uhh, what was it again - ahhh yes, UN-LEASHED ... within us at that time. Now, where is that power, I ask myself. Wait, wait, Tony did say, several times, in fact the whole seminar was about where the power is ... Guess what? That POWER ... IS - IN - ME!!! It's supposed to be anyway ...

Let me try UN-LEASH it (inhaling deep deep deep into the lungs) (and exhale) ...


No. Never mind. Don't. Don't ask. Let me see whether I can get through the 1st day. Then You can ask. I might just scrape it and postpone to August. See how la. Thank God I'm female. We're allowed to change our minds frequently, and WITHOUT QUESTION. Ahh there, the female POWER ... it's been unleashed.

fish head ...

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Win Soon Fish Head BeeHoon
Kuchai Entrepreneur's Park

Bryan and I had fish head beehoon for lunch today. This restaurant is quite known for this dish. Grace has been here too. And Steven. There's another restaurant serving the same thing on the same row at the opposite end, but don't think it's as famous as this one. You see that? It's all in the name ... WIN Soon. Even if don't win NOW, will still win SOON. Sooner or later, still WIN.

The other one, uh ... the other one, what's it called again??? Can't remember the name now. Ahh, You see ... can't even remember the name. What sort of impact has that place on me??? No impact whatsoever. Has not won me over. Did not even attempt to try to WIN me over. Whether SOON or not soon. :D  It's all in the name, I tell you. Look at PappaRich. Pappa's Rich. All over town, here and there, sprouts little branches of pappa's rich cafe. How not to be rich like that? You want to try not to be rich also cannot. As opposed to the other cafe that calls itself Old Something ... like Old News. Old Old Old. Hehe. :D I used to hang out at that Old Place. After awhile, I wanted to check out something New. Hmm, PappaRich. It's a good name, I must say. Turn your antennaes on. You'd never know. You might just hear about MamaRicher one of these days. Could be mine ... Yeah I wish ... :D

thin not thick ...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
4pm @ My Toast, Gardens

After the show (Toy Story 3), which we enjoyed very much, with caramel popcorn (see? eat some more), we had tea at My Toast. Not that we were hungry but it was after all tea time. We ordered 2 cups of teh si panas and shared a set of toasted bread with peanut butter. There must be an order of food of some sort or otherwise the table wouldn't look right. :D This time, we consciously made the decision to take the THIN sliced bread instead of the thick one. That's already the beginning of some progress, we thought. Am surprisingly looking forward to my Detox regime that starts on Thursday July 1. About time, really need to spring clean the body. :D

eat eat eat ...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
12noon @ Canton-I, Gardens

Don't be mislead. This is not a large dinner sized plate. It's the smaller side plate. Hayley and I shared a plate of wan tan dumpling noodles, prawn chee cheong fun and bean curd skin (dim sum). Told her been eating way too much. June has way too many celebrations in my family. So, we have decided to go on a detox. Yup, Anthony Robbins' program, 10 days Detox. Did that before, every now and then, and it's good. Have to eliminate meat, salt, sugar, dairy products, breathe right, do some exercise, take green drinks. Let the digestives take a break. So anyway, we're each other's Detox buddies. You need a Buddy when You're on a regime like this. Am getting Bryan to do it too. :D

Starts Thursday, July 1st. Let's see if the Bollywood tummy flattens out. Not used to having that, crept in without my knowing, although may look good now in a saree. :D

mirror ...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
12noon @ Canton-I, Gardens

The other background. See the green plants? Behind it is a mirror.
Makes the restaurant look large and spacious.

brunch ...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
12noon @ Canton-I, Gardens

Went to Hallmark to get a card for Madam Yoon. She sent me two handmade and hand coloured cards. Two because, after she sent the first one, she called Bryan to ask if I had received it. At the time, Bryan said, No. So, she sent a second one. They're beautiful - so identical, don't know how she did them. Had brunch at Canton-I. No, didn't order drinks since we had our fix already. :D First time there, took photo. See the background? Nice huh.

gift ...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
10:30am @ PappaRich

love the gift hayley got me ... 
how cute is the packaging?

teh si peng ...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
10:30am @ Pappa Rich, Gardens

A girls' day out. Bought tickets for ToyStory at 1:30pm. We were at Gardens at 10am. First stop, after buying tickets, teh si peng at Pappa Rich. Hayley had teh si panas.