Saturday 10 July 2010

Day 10 ... Claypot Tofu

Claypot Tofu
Saturday, July 10, 2010
7:00 pm @ Home

My last day today ...

You know, I think I'm just going to carry on bloggin' about my one meal a day. Somehow it's habit forming (the one meal a day AND the bloggin'), and I've kinda got used to the routine. Will lift the restriction though on no animal meat. (Sorry Tony - I'm just a Firewalker who likes to eat animals occasionally) Would like to eat chicken again ... maybe lamb chops too ... perhaps during the weekend, will try to bake a cake (where do I begin???) ... cooking is therapeutic I find, and so's bloggin' ...  Only God knows I need daily sessions of that. We'll see how it goes. I don't want to be a Hero and commit too much, in case tak jadi.

Bryan's traveling back from Singapore at the moment, so dinner is just for Justine and me.

(1) Checked the fridge and found some soft tofu. Decided to just use a claypot. So, sliced tofu lengthwise, and arranged in the claypot, over lapping one another. Added beech mushrooms (whole) and sliced shitakii mushrooms (without the stand). Shredded some carrots and scattered on top. Drizzled sesame seed oil. Added some oyster sauce and shoyu. Pepper. Put the lid over and placed on low fire (my claypot cannot take high fire). In a separate small pot, threw in thinly sliced small onions and fried in sesame seed oil, for quite a while till it was soft and fragrant. Tastes really sweet this way.

Tofu ready. Scooped the fried soft onions and added on the dish. Placed a small bunch of nice-smelling coriander leaves on top. Should have also added some raw shredded carrots too for a more vibrant colour combination.The photo above could do with a brighter colour, huh. Sorry about that. :(

(2) Peeled one large russet potato. Cut into small bite cubes. Boiled with sea salt. (Yeah, I remembered the sea salt this time). When ready, mixed with mayonnaise and a shake of pepper. Justine's favourite. She's easy to please. :D

(3) Steamed 2 bowls of brown rice (left over from 2 days ago - was kept in an air-tight tupperware in the fridge, so rice was still good).

Jus and I had dinner sitting on the carpet, watching TV. Rules Of Engagement was on then. :D

I can't believe I'm about to say this but I feel bloggin' about the last 10 days on my food intake, has helped me put my life back into perspective. To be honest, I have not had the desire to cook since my Son left for happier shores (January 21st, this year). We've been doing take-outs, eat-outs and home deliveries, for the last five and a half months. I've barely cooked more than 5 times during this period. If at all there were home cooking, they were done by my beloved husband, Bryan. :D

To sum up : I had my 2 shakers of The Green Drink, fruits (mangoes) and juices. And water. And One Meal.

Today, my 10th day, I find that my Bollywood tummy is still lookin' like Kareena Kapoor's and hasn't gotten as flat as Jennifer Anniston's. However, there is always a lesson to be learned in every journey, I feel, and if there were any lesson to be learned here, it would be this :

Bloggin' is good for the heart, mind and soul. :D

Time of Posting : 8:55pm