Friday, 23 July 2010

Day 23 ... Rice with Durians

Carol brought some durians back from Segamat today. 
So, guess what we had for dinner? Oooh ...
The flesh was unbelievably soft, creamy and bitter-ish. 
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ...

This is my bowl of rice with durians.
White rice mixed with some salt-sugar water.
Supposed to take with coconut milk but Grandmother
taught our family to take durians the healthier way.
Out of this world, the durians were, honestly. :D

Justine didn't want her fingers to smell of durians
because tomorrow she's attending a function. :D

After a hearty durian feast, we all drank water from the husks. Bryan never used to do that, but through the years, he would notice that my sisters, the kids and I never had any problems with sore throats or heatiness after durians, when he did. So, when You can't beat 'em join 'em.

Today, I had my shaker of The Green Drink in the morning. 
Yesterday's biryani for lunch. And durians for dinner. 
2 meals. No juice. Fruits. Lotsa Water.

Time of Posting: 1:01am

ps Today, Bryan showed me how to post all my photos of the same day in ONE blog entry. :D