Wednesday 4 August 2010

Day 35 ... Brown Rice with Vegetarian Curry


Today, Justine has a marathon tuition, from one class to another. From her Kasturi class that ends at 6:20pm, her next class is at 6:45-pm at Sri Petaling. I normally tapau her dinner for her to eat in the car while we travel to the next class. Her Wednesday schedule is a bit cranky, I must say. As I was not at home yesterday evening, I sms-ed to Bryan to prepare some food for her. That was about 5pm. Bryan did a quick vegetarian curry dish and steamed some brown rice for her. It was too late to de-freeze any meat that we might have in the fridge. Also, Justine doesn't like vegetables, so a vegetable dish is out. By the way, that is why she has to take The Green Drink every morning before she goes to school, and sometimes a second shaker on days that she requires more energy and concentration. Like on cranky days. :D 

Bryan started cooking at 5:15pm and was all done to leave the house by 5:45pm to pick Justine up for her next class.
Step 1 : Prepare
Saute shallots, garlic and ginger.
Add curry paste (Brand A1). 
Add water gradually.

Step 2 : Add On 
Add bean curd, potatoes and carrots.
Add curry leaves and seasalt.
Cover lid and simmer.

While simmering, 
steam a bowl of leftover brown rice
in the fridge.

Step 3 : Garnish & Serve
He was in a hurry and 
didn't have time to garnish the dish.
Just imagine if You could, 
some coriander leaves in the middle of the dish. 
Tapau-ed brown rice and the curry for Justine 
which she ate happily in the car 
with all the windows down. :D

To Sum Up
I had my one shaker of The Green Drink this morning,
leftover pasta for lunch, and the above for dinner. :D
No juice. No fruits. Just water.
No time for juicing. Ran out of fruits.
Need to rectify the - laziness 
before it becomes a convenient excuse.

Time of Posting : 9:22am (Thursday)