Friday 4 June 2010

tgif ...

friday, june 4, 2010
7:55 am @ home

today's friday, the best day of the week! can't seem to get the date of blog post corrected. when the date appears on one post, the one on the earlier post disappears. justine was too tired last night to figure out how and why and how come. she's been having a full day at school, and staying back in the afternoons, to practise her dance performance and fashion show on her IU Day (Interact Understanding). so she doesn't want to be disturbed now.

the delivery of the kindy stuff actually did come, about an hour late. there's now a new slide and climb, and a big pack of some 200 coloured balls for the ball-ring play pen and play-dohs of rainbow colours. am supposed to get the plasticine cutters later. the kids are in for a big, big treat.

mrs loo's last day today. retiring at 60. she's been with the school for like 30 years or so, since we started. mrs lai and teachers are taking her out for lunch after school later at the thai restaurant opp the kindy. am going to get her a big bouquet of flowers for her.