Monday 5 July 2010

Day 5 ...

Chilly Padi Plant

Monday, July 5, 2010
4:21pm @ Home

Today is Day 5. Had a shaker of The Green Drink this morning for breakfast. Was at school later part of the morning. Happy to note that, somehow, had the energy trying to execute certain pre-planned dance steps with a bunch of 5 year olds. Will be allocating an hour for dance practice daily on school days. That will be my uh, exercise, as suggested by the Tony Robbins' Program.

Came back at lunch hour. Took a second shaker of The Green Drink, and treated myself to a pear. Not hungry yet. Will see if I can continue today with ONE meal, along with my unlimited juices, fruits and green drink. And plenty of water. :D Took the above photo at Jusco yesterday when at the mall. Since am on to green at the moment, thought it'd be a great picture to upload on the blog. In case You are wondering, those are chilly padi plants. Really tiny chilly, about the size of your pinky.

I'm gonna take a short nap now ...